
Hello hello everyone!

I’d like to start off my blog post today with a little confession that I honestly need to make. You see, I had set a schedule out for myself and decided okay I’ll be posting on thursdays and maybe tuesdays too. So it was my intention to make it twice a week when I first made this blog. But somewhere along the line I ended up missing even making a post on thursday (yeah there was nothing this thursday). But here we are and even though it’s not according to schedule I had originally set out on I still think it’s much much better than nothing. Wouldn’t you agree?

You see I know it’s always good to stick to a schedule and to do things according to it. I learned that in organisation and that’s how you get things done, ideally.  But I also know that sometimes things don’t go according to plan and when that happens you need to able to be flexible and just go with the flow so to speak.

So now, let’s get down to the reason why I wasn’t able to make my thursday post day. I could list a plethora of reasons and they would be valid in my mind but the biggest, truest reason would be. I just didn’t know what to write. Call it a lack of inspiration. Maybe even confusion. Or is it direction?

Either way, I was just blank. I recognised that my second post seemed a little too dry (something like an academic paper believe me I know how dry those can be, no disrespect tho!) I didn’t want my third going in that direction too and turning the blog from it’s original intention.

So I was stumped and hence I didn’t do anything.


Photo by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash

It happens. I know.

But it’s through reflection, awareness and being able to recognise things that one is able to come back from setbacks. So here I am coming back from that setback. Anything new often takes time getting used to, setting it into a routine and making it a part of your everyday. The important thing is not to lose sight of the original goal, no matter what may come along the way. This quote awesomely conveys my sentiments.

“Giving up on your goal because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got a flat.”

I don’t need to slash my other tires. I just need to get up, work on my flat and drive on ahead at full speed. Slow is good too though sometimes. 😉 Anyhoo, that’s the lesson of the week and I’m glad for it.

I aim to stick to a schedule because that will increase my chances for success. And lastly, I will try my best to not let anything get in the way of my writing. So here goes, on with the show!

Let’s continue climbing up these steps now shall we?

November’s already and it’s the fourth today. How time flies I love this time of year. It’s truly wonderful. I wish you all have an amazingly inspiring month ahead.


Amelle ❤

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